What is the book about?

Many people believe that quitting your job and becoming an entrepreneur is a romantic notion, but being your own boss isn’t just about freedom. Nor is it about the status that comes your way when you innovate the product or service that no one knew, until now, they simply could not live without. And its not even about the amazing income you will be getting when your start-up hits the big time.


Entrepreneurship is none of these things. Its about plain hard work which often garners little – if any- reward. It’s about keeping going even when you feel you have no more to give and remaining focused and consistent when all you want to do is walk away. It’s about searching through dustbins for business, leaving no stone unturned.

"My book is one of authenticity, my interest is to spread an idea and hopefully have a hand in creating more lasting entrepreneurs in our beautiful country"

- Abed Tau

Entrepreneurship is the ultimate goal

Searching Through Dustbins comes from the heart and speaks to the heart. It will inspire and motivate you, while ensuring that your entrepreneurial dreams and aspirations stay on track.

While entrepreneurship may ultimately be richly rewarding, it’s important to know some of the challenges upfront before you set off to chase your dream. In Searching Through Dustbins, Abed shares his experiences with candour and humour, painting an honest picture of the life of an entrepreneur. Essential reading for any would-be or start-up business owner, it’s vital insight into what to expect and it also provides pragmatic advice for starting or building a business.

Abed Tau is a Chartered Accountant by profession, a wannabe chef by night and serial entrepreneur by day. His passions lie in community development, education and entrepreneurship. He believes that empowering youngsters with entrepreneurial skills will equip them with core skills of creating their own jobs and the many needed in South Africa.

Abed has received many accolades such as SAICA’s Top 35 under 35 CA(SA)s, Destiny Man Power of 40 award and the Superbalist’s 100 Most Influential People.

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